Make Your Eyes Pop With Latisse Lash Extensions
Many people don't give their eyelashes much thought, but for anyone looking to give their appearance an extra pop, it might be time they did. Treatment with Latisse® can help.
Dr. Carmelo Plateroti and our highly skilled team at Plateroti Dermatology in Templeton, California, provide top-notch care for dermatologic concerns like acne and skin cancer as well as aesthetic treatments, including injectables and fillers, laser procedures, and eyelash enhancement. With over 30 years of collective experience and a specialized integrative philosophy using both Western medicine and holistic practices, we can help you achieve your goals.
Our eyelashes serve a variety of purposes from the practical to the aesthetic. They help protect us from the sun, wind, foreign objects, and sweat, but that's not all. They also aid in creating our facial appearances by serving an important role in framing the eyes to complement the eyebrows, hairline, cheekbones, and other facial features. Full, long eyelashes are also considered to be a sign of beauty to many people.
The reasons for people to seek lusher lashes vary. Some may suffer from an inadequate amount of eyelashes because of a condition known as eyelashes hypotrichosis. This can be the result of genetics, getting older, physical injury, certain medical conditions or treatments like chemotherapy, or even an unknown cause. Other people may simply want to improve their appearance with lashes that are longer, fuller, and darker.
Latisse is approved by the FDA and uses the same main active ingredient found in a glaucoma medication. In fact, it was discovered when researchers realized patients using this eye drop treatment were experiencing lash growth as a side effect. It has been thoroughly studied for safety and efficacy and can only be gotten with a prescription.
How it works
To use Latisse, you apply a specialized solution to the base of your upper eyelashes every night for 16 weeks, which you can do at your convenience in the comfort of your own home. You should remove any makeup and contact lenses, if applicable and thoroughly clean your upper eyelids before application. After the initial treatment period ends, your doctor will determine what maintenance plan is right for you.
Some people start seeing results after the first month, but it takes the full treatment length to achieve the complete benefit. People using Latisse found an over 100% improvement in the fullness and thickness of their lashes, a 25% increase in their length, and an 18% increase of lash darkening.
Whether you're suffering from a condition affecting your eyelashes or simply want to give your eyes more pop, Latisse can help. Click our request button, or contact us at 805-434-2526 to make an appointment.